Friday, June 5, 2009

I found a great site for anyone who needs to write Reports, Articles or eBooks. It is a brilliant piece of software. Even if you don't know anything about the subject beforehand you can come up with a really professional product. Check it out

Thats all for today.
Got the domain name working. So now the wesite is

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This is my first attempt at writing a Blog so apologies if it is a bit rough around the the edges but inline with Brett McFall's teachings I am going to 'do it anyway'. Yes that's right we attended Brett's Seminar on the Gold Coast last week, a wonderful experience.

I have also just put up a web-site. At the moment it has a shortened URL but I am in the process of setting up a Domain Name.

The name we selected for the Domain is, tried to get but it was not available. Click4Health& we felt was too long and cumbersome. Not even sure if that was available – didn't check. More on the Domain Name set-up later..

Anyway we feel that pretty well sums up what we are trying to do here. Naturally it will focus on Health and Well-Being. It is a site that will help people find information on a subject of interest to them whether it be a health matter, hobby or some kind of problem they want to overcome to make them feel happier, healthier and wealthier. At the same time hopefully it will make a few dollars for us as well..

It will probably take a while before we recover costs of various courses domain set-up, hosting etc but we think it will be well worth it. I say WE because this also involves my wife, who whilst she still does some voluntary work, mainly with the Red Cross and Leukaemia Foundation, has more time on her hands now that she no longer works permanently in her part time job.

Anyway this is our site we'll have more later on its progress. Hope to talk soon.